
Implantable Intrathecal Drug Delivery Systems


Conditions It Treats:

Implantable intrathecal drug delivery systems are used to treat severe, chronic pain conditions that have not responded to other treatment modalities. These conditions may include chronic back pain, failed back surgery syndrome, neuropathic pain, and cancer-related pain.

Procedure Description:

The implantable intrathecal drug delivery system consists of a programmable pump and a catheter that delivers medication directly into the intrathecal space surrounding the spinal cord. During the procedure, the pump is implanted under the skin of the abdomen or buttock, and the catheter is inserted into the intrathecal space through a small incision in the back.

The pump is programmed to deliver a specific dose of medication, such as opioids, local anesthetics, or other medications, directly to the spinal cord. This targeted delivery method allows for lower doses of medication to be used compared to oral medications, reducing the risk of systemic side effects.

How Does It Help:

Implantable intrathecal drug delivery systems help alleviate chronic pain by delivering medication directly to the spinal cord, where pain signals are transmitted to the brain. By targeting the source of pain, these systems can provide more effective pain relief with fewer side effects compared to oral medications.

Procedure Benefits:

  • Targeted Pain Relief: Implantable intrathecal drug delivery systems deliver medication directly to the spinal cord, providing targeted pain relief with lower doses of medication and fewer systemic side effects.
  • Improved Function: By effectively managing pain, these systems can improve patients' ability to perform daily activities, participate in physical therapy, and engage in social and recreational activities.
  • Reduced Oral Medication Use: With intrathecal drug delivery, patients may require lower doses of oral medications or be able to discontinue them altogether, reducing the risk of dependence, tolerance, and side effects.

How Long Does It Take:

The duration of the implantable intrathecal drug delivery system procedure varies depending on the specific technique used and the complexity of the case. In general, the procedure typically takes about 1 to 2 hours to complete, including preparation and recovery time.

What Are the Expected Results:

Many patients experience significant pain relief and improvement in function following the implantation of intrathecal drug delivery systems. The duration and degree of pain relief may vary depending on factors such as the underlying pain condition, individual response to treatment, and the specific medication used.

Expected results may include reduced pain intensity, improved quality of life, and enhanced overall well-being.

If It Doesn’t Help, What Is Next:

If implantable intrathecal drug delivery systems do not provide the desired pain relief, alternative treatment options may be considered, including:

  • Further Evaluation: Additional diagnostic tests or imaging studies may be conducted to reassess the underlying pain condition and explore other treatment options.
  • Adjustment of Medication: The medication dosage or type may be adjusted to better manage pain and improve treatment outcomes.
  • Alternative Interventions: Depending on the specific condition and individual circumstances, alternative treatments such as neuromodulation techniques, physical therapy, or surgical options may be recommended.

Is This Treatment Right for Me:

Implantable intrathecal drug delivery systems may be a suitable treatment option for individuals with severe, chronic pain conditions that have not responded to other treatment modalities. However, it's essential to consult with a healthcare provider to determine if this treatment is appropriate for your specific condition and individual health needs.

Factors such as the location and severity of the pain, previous treatment history, overall health, and potential risks and benefits of the procedure will be considered to make an informed decision about whether implantable intrathecal drug delivery systems are right for you.