


Conditions It Treats:

Prolozone therapy is used to treat various musculoskeletal conditions, including chronic pain, osteoarthritis, tendonitis, ligament injuries, and sports-related injuries. It involves the injection of ozone gas and nutrients into the affected area to promote tissue regeneration and reduce inflammation.

Procedure Description:

The Prolozone therapy begins with the administration of a local anesthetic to numb the affected area. Once the area is numb, a mixture of ozone gas and nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, is injected into the affected tissues, including ligaments, tendons, and joints. The ozone gas stimulates the body's natural healing response, promoting tissue repair and regeneration.

How Does It Help:

Prolozone therapy helps promote tissue healing and reduce pain by stimulating the body's natural healing response. The ozone gas injected into the affected tissues increases oxygenation and circulation, which promotes the growth of new blood vessels and stimulates the production of collagen and other healing substances.

Procedure Benefits:

  • Tissue Regeneration: Prolozone therapy promotes tissue repair and regeneration, helping to strengthen and stabilize damaged ligaments and tendons.
  • Pain Relief: By reducing inflammation and promoting tissue healing, Prolozone therapy can provide significant pain relief for individuals with musculoskeletal conditions.
  • Minimally Invasive: The procedure is minimally invasive and performed on an outpatient basis, resulting in faster recovery times and reduced risk of complications compared to traditional open surgery.

How Long Does It Take:

The duration of Prolozone therapy varies depending on the specific condition being treated and the extent of the injury. A typical treatment session lasts about 15 to 30 minutes, and multiple sessions may be required to achieve optimal results.

What Are the Expected Results:

Many patients experience significant pain relief and improved function following Prolozone therapy. The procedure helps reduce pain intensity, improve range of motion, and enhance overall quality of life.

Expected results may become noticeable within a few weeks after starting treatment, with continued improvement over several months as the tissue heals and regenerates.

If It Doesn’t Help, What Is Next:

If Prolozone therapy does not provide the desired pain relief or functional improvement, alternative treatment options may be considered, including:

  • Further Evaluation: Additional diagnostic tests or imaging studies may be conducted to reassess the underlying condition and explore other treatment options.
  • Alternative Interventions: Depending on the specific condition and individual circumstances, alternative treatments such as physical therapy, medication management, or surgical options may be recommended.
  • Combination Therapies: In some cases, a combination of different treatments may be more effective in addressing the underlying condition and managing symptoms.

Is This Treatment Right for Me:

Prolozone therapy may be a suitable treatment option for individuals with musculoskeletal conditions seeking non-invasive pain relief and tissue regeneration. However, it's essential to consult with a healthcare provider to determine if this treatment is appropriate for your specific condition and individual health needs.

Factors such as the type and severity of the condition, overall health, lifestyle, and personal preferences will be considered to make an informed decision about whether Prolozone therapy is right for you.